Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dear Dad...

Hi! It's me, your son. It's been like 15 years since you died so it's understandable that you wouldn't recognize me. I'm a bit taller (wider, but I'm working on that... Kinda), I can complete sentences without drooling or needing a change of diapers, and I've been married (and divorced). So yeah, I'm older bit not grown up. I know better than to say that. I feel that if I was to be "grown-up" then I should have responsiblities, important ones but I don't. Atleast I don't think I do. Maybe if I had gotten someone prego when I was in high school or lost a limb then I wouldn't feel like I'm floating in limbo waiting for something to guide me in the right direction. Reality is still strange to me.

Sometimes I feel I would of had a better understanding of this world if you were alive but I think mom did a great job raising Nessa and I. I have so many questions I wish you could answer. That's why I made this blog, so in a way my questions and thoughts are going out to some sort of space and possibly can be heard by you or something like that.

I would say I miss you but I can barely remember you. So instead I'll say wished I knew you.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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